Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015: New Year, New Goals

Wow, it doesn't seem possible but here it is again, January 1st. Where did 2014 go? Last night I rang in the New Year with friends Kristin, Becky and Melissa. As I was driving home I couldn't help but think that 2014 was a pretty good year, and the first in my life that I met my New Year's goals. And they were pretty lofty goals too. To recap what I posted on December 31st, 2013:

I'm not making resolutions, I'm setting determinations for 2014.
1. Run "14 in 2014". 3 races booked towards 14, so far.
2. Be happy with those around me and most importantly, with myself.
3. Continue on my path towards being healthy and fit.

Well, I actually ran 15 races in 2014, but the other two were goals that I've struggled with for many years, and I can honestly say that when the book closed on 2014 I feel that I checked the boxes on those goals, too. Of course, both of those goals will continue for 2015 since shouldn't we all strive to be happy and healthy? For 2015 I'm taking it up a notch, pushing my fitness boundaries a bit further than I did last year. So here we go:

My New Year's Determinations for 2015:
1. Run "15 in 2015." 5 races towards 15 are booked so far, with many more planned
2. Complete the "Run the Edge 2,015 in 2015" Challenge
3. Continue on my path towards being happy and healthy

Yes you read that correctly - I'm running 15 races AND joining a team of two other amazing and strong women, Melissa and Shannon, to run 2,015 miles in 2015. That breaks down to 672 miles per person, or 56 miles a month (if you really like math then you'll note its 2 miles a day). Several other Badass Babes are also taking this challenge in teams of their own so it will be fun to hold each other accountable as we cross that virtual finish line together. If you think you'd like to participate check it out at   

This morning (after I nursed the remnants of a bit too much partying last night) I strapped on my running shoes and took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous weather to put in my first 5 miles towards meeting my goal. I really want to increase my running game for this year, to get stronger and ultimately faster. And I found that having the goal of running a set number of races in 2014 helped keep me on track towards getting, and ultimately staying, healthy and strong. So while this goal is a huge increase in the total number of miles, I think with enough coaching from myself and being held accountable to my teammates, I can meet this goal too. Only time will tell!

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