I've gotten lots of questions about why I chose to name my blog "From Fat to Fabulous". Believe me when I tell you it's not because I was fat and now I'm not. The name has to do with a state of mind. Let me explain.
As women, especially as young women, we are constantly bombarded with messages of beauty. We see it in magazine articles, advertisements in print and on TV, and especially in the products that are geared for women. They all tell us we are not thin enough, not good enough unless we buy this, eat this, wear that. Nowhere are we encouraged for being the smart, successful, amazing and beautiful women we are.
This blog and especially my journey to get healthy and stay fit isn't about losing weight or inches. It isn't about dropping dress sizes. Its about the transformation I went through and will continue to go through to understand that I am fabulous no matter the shape or size that I am.
To me, fabulous comes from gaining back my confidence that I lost a long time ago. It's smiling instead of crying when I look in the mirror. Fabulous is being able to finish a half marathon, row 9,000 meters in 45 min, do pushups like a champ and concur the bosu. It's feeling better physically and mentally based on the food choices I make. And most importantly, fabulous is in the encouragement I give others who see the journey I'm making and, in turn, are working to become fabulous too.
That is what fat to fabulous means.
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