Monday, September 29, 2014

Nashville WRS half marathon

Welp. I did it. 13.1 in 2:14:14. And I couldn't be more proud.
On Wednesday the Badass Babes loaded up a fire engine red Expedition complete with NY license plates and headed west (and then north) to the great city of Nashville. Or as we like to call it - NashVegas. After an overnight in Montgomery, AL we arrived in the great city prepared to kick off an incredible weekend. 8 hours of travel is always made more fun with epic music video making and mustache selfies of course.

We got busy touring the many sites of Nashville - the Opryland Hotel, Ryman Auditorium, Johnny Cash museum, and the Country Music Hall of Fame. We ate some amazing meals at Pub 5, Merchant's Restaurant, Puckett's Grocery & Restaurant, and The Palm, and got candy from Savannah's Candy Kitchen Nashville and the Goo Goo Shop. Shannon and I bought some boots (because duh what else do you buy in Nashville?). We saw things we'd like to forget at Coyote Ugly (#SJGR). And it wouldn't be a trip to Nashville without listening to live music at BB Kings and Tootsies and all the bars in between.

But the main reason we were there was to run a race - the Women's Running Series Nashville Half Marathon. For Shannon, Allison and Mitzi this was a repeat race to enjoy and complete. Heck, Mitzi selfied through the last few miles! For me it was a chance to beat my Donna time - 2:38 and change. And for Ashley and Erin this was their first time ever running a half marathon. We each came to Nashville with a goal and met or exceeded it. I thought of every one of them while on the race course, and their strength and determination helped me complete my race stronger than I ever thought possible.

I had serious doubts going into this race and I feared the expectations I had put on myself were not going to be attained. I had a hard goal of finishing in a sub 2:30 time, which I expected I could finish, but I really wanted to see if I could finish in sub 2:20. Mitzi paced me through mile 6, offering me encouragement and distraction through the toughest beginning miles of the course. At mile 6 she peeled off and I continued to run now looking for the other Badass Babes I knew were ahead of me as they hit the switchback and ran towards home on the opposite side of the streeet. And when I was feeling tired, there came the babes, first Shannon, then Allison and finally Erin all running strong. Once I hit the switchback I was distracted by looking for Mitzi (who wasn't but a few minutes behind me and still in front of the dreaded 2:15 pacer) and Ashley running down near the 2:45 pacer. Once I hit mile 8.5 I was cruising, and just trying to stay ahead of 2:15 man.

I remembered one of my favorite race signs "run like there's a hot guy in front of you and a creepy guy behind you" for motivation, and appreciated the sororities and the Comic Con inspired cheering sections along the route (Comic Con was in Nashville that weekend also). I was struggling through miles 10-12 as the sun was high in the sky, and by that point and my legs were getting so very tired. And I began to think of all the people at home who had offered encouragement through my training and before the race. Of those who had let me know that I inspired them to begin a new fitness regimen, to train for a race of their own or to start eating better. I thought of my friends who were crossing the finish line themselves. I prayed and talked with the big man upstairs thanking him for being able to run the race set before me (Hebrews 12:1). And I especially thought of all those who couldn't run to motivate me to the finish. But most of all, I just kept thinking about the 2:15 pacer who continued to gain on me.

Crossing that finish line and seeing the 2:15 clock, knowing that my official time would be a sub 2:15 was so incredible, that the giant boot medal was just icing on the cake. To the Badass Babes - you are an incredible and inspiring group of women who motivate me to be a better person. Mitzi the consummate race planner, Allison the motivator, Shannon the rabbit, Erin the epic photobomber, and Ashley with your infectious laugh. I am so happy to call you my friend. Thanks for an amazing weekend, and I can't wait to do it again.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Running through heat and fire

Its been a while since I last posted. Life, running around and running have gotten in the way. In exactly 3 days I'll be running my second half marathon ever - the Nashville Women's Running Series. To say I have nerves is silly. Of course I have nerves. I have set a goal of running this race in a sub 2:30 time. I ran the Donna half marathon in 2:38 so I think I can do this.

I think I have trained right. Sure my eating could have been better. But I have trained through the blazing heat of a Florida summer.  I have combined running short and long distances with cross training, including both cycle and TRX strength training. I have downloaded and set my playlist, which shall be epic. I've picked out my "racers uniform" (or rather Mitzi picked our uniform and I've packed it). But most importantly I have an awesome support network of friends and badass babes running this race with me. I can't wait for this race weekend to commence!

I especially can't wait for this weekend after all that I've been quietly working through in my life the past few months. I've been dealing with some health issues over the past several months, culminating in test results Monday that are both good and not so good. I won't use this as a forum to tell you all the sordid details but rather to say that these types of health issues have put so very much into perspective for me. It's made me reevaluate what I prioritize in my life; what I want and need vs. what I'm willing to put up with. It's made me think long and hard about the excuses I have created for why I can't or won't do certain things in my life. And it's made me reevaluate my friendships and relationships, prioritizing those who lift me up rather than those that put me down.

Training for this race has afforded me many quiet mornings running in the heat and dark, to think, to pray, and to contemplate my future. What Monday's test results and training for this race have given me is a renewed sense of priority and for that I am thankful.

Today the badass babes embark for NashVegas for what is sure to be another epic road trip! And I'm sure after all that we have ALL gone through these past few weeks and months, I speak for everyone when we say bring on the weekend!